Erica x darleyensis ‘Eva Gold’
Showing off bright, long-lasting flowers contrasted against darker foliage, Winter Heath creates a welcome spark of color on a winter day. Winter Heath is a beautiful addition to any garden setting, from rock gardens and slopes to mixed containers. This easy care, pollinator friendly, and deer resistant shrub can be planted in groups or used as an attractive ground cover.
Key Characteristics of your Winter Heath
Full Sun/Part Shade
Bloom Time
November to May
Mature Height: 18″ (45cm)
Mature Width: 24″ (60cm)
Growth Habit
Compact, spreading, mounding
Caring for your Winter Heath
- To enjoy your Erica indoors, keep it cool to lengthen flower life, in a sunny location and make sure the soil is moist but not soggy. If repotting, choose a wide pot with drain holes and a soil that will drain well.
- Plant your Erica outdoors in the fall or early spring in a garden bed that gets a half to full day of sun. The more sun, the better the color! Space individual plants and situate at least 2 feet away from other garden shrubs to maximize air circulation.
- While the plant is establishing roots during the first season, water several times weekly, keeping the soil moist but not soaked. After Erica is established, it is relatively drought tolerant but a layer of mulch helps conserve soil moisture.
- Erica grows best in relatively poor, acidic soils and will only need a light feed if it is not growing well.
- You can prune Erica lightly in the late spring after bloom to remove the dead flowers and control shape, which will also increase the bushiness of your plant, but don’t shear back to the old wood.